Thank you for your interest in locating a business in the City of Vineland. We welcome your entrepreneurial spirit, and want to make the process of opening your business as easy as possible.

The following overview is intended to help you navigate through the various city, county, and state resources and requirements as you embark upon your new venture. If you do not find the information you are looking for, please contact us for a custom response to your business needs.
1. Prepare a written business plan complete with pro-forma financial statements. This can serve as an operating guide, as well as a financial prospectus. The Department of Economic Development will be happy to provide a sample business plan upon request. Free and confidential help can be obtained from the Cumberland Empowerment Zone at the Cumberland County Business Assistance Center (856) 696-5660 Ext. 203, or by visiting their web site at You can also contact the New Jersey Small Business Development Center at (609) 347-2174.
2. If trading under any name other than your own, registration of the name is required by law. To register a trade name, contact the Cumberland County Clerk’s Office at (856) 453-4860. If you wish to incorporate, you should contact the New Jersey Department of Treasury at (609) 292-9292.
3. Whether your business is a sole proprietor, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation, you must register your business with the State of New Jersey. Visit the New Jersey Business Portal, or call (866)-534-7789 for more information.
4. If you operate your business as a corporation or partnership, or have any employees, you must obtain a Federal Employer ID Number (EIN). This can be done by either calling the IRS Business and Specialty Tax Line at (800) 829-4933, or visiting the IRS web site.
5. To register as an Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) Business, or to verify whether your business is located within the Vineland UEZ boundaries, you can contact the Enterprise Zone Development Corporation at (856) 794-4000, Ext. 4622.
6. If you have questions regarding City of Vineland business licensing, zoning requirements, municipal utilities, or taxes please call:
Licenses and Inspections Department | (856) 794-4113 |
Planning Department | (856) 794-4101 |
Vineland Municipal Utilities (Water/Electric) | (856) 794-4021 |
Landis Sewerage Authority | (856) 691-0051 |
Tax Assessor | (856) 794-4029 |
7. The Greater Vineland Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting business and economic development through local partnerships and alliances. The Chamber provides up-to-date information on legislation, programs, and market trends that directly impact the business community. For more information about how the Chamber can help your business, call (856) 691-7400.